DiggersRest.com is the original local community website for the township of Diggers Rest, Victoria. Established in 2002, DiggersRest.com is the only independently administered community driven information service in Diggers Rest. The primary aim of the website is to provide reliable community based information to residents of Diggers Rest. The website also offers all community groups free web hosting and links to help promote their activities to the wider community.

Do I have to supply my residential address in order to subscribe?
No, not at all.
DiggersRest.com email updates is a free service available to all residents and friends of Diggers Rest. Only your email address is required to participate.

Are any costs or participation fees payable if I decide to participate?
  The service is provided FREE to participating residents and friends.

Does DiggersRest.com distribute any emails that contain abusive, offensive, political or advertising material?
No, certainly not!
  However, some messages from local sporting clubs & associations may contain advertising, especially those relating to local club events and fund raisers.

Does DiggersRest.com promote special offers for local business etc via email updates?
No, definitely not.
  However, a link from featured advertising within the pages of DiggersRest.com will take you to any special offers that have been made available to site visitors.

Does DiggersRest.com send messages in HTML or TEXT format?
All messages are sent in TEXT format.

How can Clubs & Associations send messages to participating residents?
Directly, they cannot.
  All messages delivered to subscribing members are sent via the DiggersRest.com server. Any Clubs or Associations wanting to use this FREE service, can contact us by phoning 9740 1060.