Angst over caravan park

An estimated 100 people attended the community planning meeting held in Diggers Rest on Tuesday evening.

It’s understood that the purpose of the meeting was to provide information about planning applications currently lodged with Council.

The Diggers Rest Residents Association in co-operation with the Melton City Council hosted the event.

Despite information being made available regarding a number of proposed developments, the proposed 85 site camping and caravan park dominated discussions with some residents becoming quite rowdy, voicing their objection to the proposal.

Many residents are of the opinion that a tourist park is not an appropriate development at the entry of the township, especially given the proposed rehabilitation of the Diggers Rest Hotel and development of the new hotel complex.

The subject land is zoned Green Wedge (GWZ) and falls within the Melbourne Airport Environs Overlay (MAEO) and between the 20 and 25 Ultimate Capacity Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) noise contours. The development of a caravan park is allowable within GWZ and AS 2021 designates that a caravan park is ‘conditionally acceptable’ under the 25 ANEF noise contours.

Melton City Council have advised that they have received well over 100 submissions opposing the planned caravan park and many residents have now joined the residents group in a bid to stop the development of a caravan park in Diggers Rest.

The proposal is expected to come before a Council meeting in the months ahead.

More information about the proposal can be found on Councils website – Click Here

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