Community Garden

On Tuesday February 24th 2009, a community forum was conducted in Diggers Rest to gather ideas to implement the “Small Township Grant”.  A group of about 18 residents and 2 Shire officials attended and residents expressed a keen desire to participate in establishing a “Community Garden” with the emphasis on home grown fruits and vegetables.

Melton Shire Council for some time now has endeavoured to create interest in and establishing a food security program for the area.  An area within the grounds of the “old school house” on the Calder Highway in Diggers Rest was identified as the ideal location to establish the garden.  The concept has the potential to deliver the following outcomes for Diggers Rest.

1. renew pride of place in the old school house with the establishment of a community garden area.
2. provide a place and shared activity common to a diverse range of community groups within Diggers Rest.
3. create social connectedness and aid to bridge the generation gap through the exchange of knowledge.
4. establish an appreciation for fresh organic food within Diggers Rest
5. empower the community with basic skills to ensure long lasting sustainability.
6. create new opportunities for any residents that may be physically or mentally challenged.
7. provide knowledge and appreciation of cultural diversity within Diggers Rest through food production and preparation.
8. become an integral part of primary education offered in Diggers Rest.
9. help to promote Diggers Rest as a progressive component of the Melton Shire.

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