Eating disorders – Community awareness event


Eating disorders don’t discriminate.  They affect women and men from every culture, socioeconomic status, every community and at every stage of life. Left untreated eating disorders affect all aspects of a person’s life and are potentially life threatening. Recovery is possible, but support is critical.

Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV) is a not for profit organisation that provides a range of support and education services for anyone impacted by an eating disorder, including friends, family and health or education professionals.

EDV would like to invite the people living and working in the Melton Community to a free Community Awareness Event at the Melton Community Hall.

This workshop is designed to raise awareness and support people living with the significant mental health issues associated with an eating disorder, and highlight where to access help. The workshop is for the whole community, including individuals with an eating disorder, family & friends, teachers, students, health professionals, and community/youth workers.

When: Thursday 26th June
Time: 6:30 – 7:45pm

Location: Melton Community Hall, 232 High Street, Melton

Facilitator: Rachelle Allen, Education Coordinator, EDV

Register: or

For more information, phone 1300 550 236, or email
Please forward to any networks, friends, colleagues or add to your newsletter or noticeboards to spread the word.

We hope to see you there!