Free snake removal program, renewed

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At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held last night, Melton City Council voted to extend the trial Snake Removal Program for a further 12 months.

The trial was considered effective and 25% of call-outs resulted in the removal and relocation of a snake.

In most cases, snakes were removed from within the areas of Burnside, Caroline Springs, Hillside and Ravenhall.

Councils decision to extend the trial will enable the program to be accessible over the coming warmer months which are traditionally notorious for snake activity as snakes come out of hibernation.

Although the weather conditions have been cold, some snake sightings close to Diggers Rest have already been reported.

Access to the free removal program is subject to conditions and may not be available to residents living on rural or semi-rural properties. It’s understood that industrial properties are not included in the program.

Residents should be mindful of the types of landscaping and vegetation which typically attract snakes. Use the following link to download a fact sheet produced by Zoos Victoria, entitled “Snakes around the home”

Requests for a snake catcher by residents will only be responded to if the snake is clearly visible and the property owner provides authorisation to remove the snake.

For more information, or to report a snake, call Council on 9747 7200.