Yesterday the Community of Diggers Rest held their third annual Biggest Morning Tea at Houdini’s Café e Cucina.
The event was very well patronised, with in excess of 60 people filling the restaurant.
Melton City Council Mayor, Cr Sophie Ramsey conducted the live charity auction.
Fellow Councillors Cr. Lara Carli, Cr. Melissa DeSantis, Cr. Ken Hardy and Cr. Michelle Mendes showed their support by attending.
The initiative coincides with the Cancer Council Victoria Biggest Morning Tea program which aims to raise funds for cancer research and prevention programs.
The full ticket price of $20.00 per person is donated to Cancer Council Victoria together with the money collected from the prize wheel and live auction.
On this occasion $3,300 was raised, making a grand total of more than $6,700 raised since May 2015.
Without the help of local business and community minded residents, this fundraiser would not continue to grow.
The efforts of everyone involved is always greatly appreciated.
Use the following link to view the photo album Captured by Coops.