Make your own will, learn how.

The idea of one day dying is something many of us give little consideration to which includes preparing a last will and testament.

At the time of death, besides the death certificate, a will is a very important document.

Unfortunately, death does not discriminate and if you don’t have a will, then the best time to get one is now. Everyone 18 years and older should have a will.

You should make sure that your original will is not kept at home and is held for safekeeping with your solicitor or in a safety deposit box at a bank.

It is always a good idea to remake your will if you divorce, become separated or remarry.

The executor/s named in your will should know the whereabouts of your will, but not necessarily be aware of the contents.

If at any time an executor is unable to carry out the role of executor either due to  ill health or revokes that duty, you should revise your will to reflect the changes.

Always keep in mind that any delays to the execution of a will could prove costly and may reduce the original intention of the will.

Melton City Council are hosting a free will making presentation at the Diggers Rest Community Hall, Plumpton Road Diggers Rest on Friday May 13, 2016 from 7:15pm to 8:00pm

More information is available via the following link:

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